
The Top 4 Best Interest-Bearing Crypto Account in 2022

interest bearing crypto account

Crypto interests are flourishing, and it’s not just for casual users anymore. More and more people are spending time learning about the crypto space. And with more people getting into the game, more accounts are popping up to cater to these new audiences.

Crypto is no longer a niche interest; it’s an area of popular culture that has attracted growing communities of new users and investors.

We’ve got your back today if you’ve ever wondered what makes a good crypto account. Read on to learn more about the top 6 best crypto interests accounts of 2022.


interest bearing crypto account

Crypto.com is the world’s fastest-growing Crypto app today. With over 50 Million users around the world and 250+ cryptocurrencies available.

The platform offers also a crypto exchange, a crypto wallet, an NFT marketplace, a trading platform, and even a credit card. Not only that, anyone has an opportunity to earn yields on their crypto holdings with Crypto.com’s CRO staking program.

Using this platform we can stake up to 100 CRO tokens without any restrictions and earn up to a 14.5% interest rate on our Crypto.

However, it depends on our cryptocurrencies, if we choose a stable coin like USDC or USDT we may earn 6% interest even without a CRO token staked.

In terms of rewards, we also need to consider the allocation term. We could choose flexible, 1 month fixed term or 3 months fixed term. The longer we staked our crypto, the higher the rewards.

Crypto.com0.5% – 6%0.5% – 6%1.5% – 10%1.5% – 10%


Abra is another interest-bearing crypto account that allows users to earn interest on their crypto assets. Abra users can deposit Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and 50 other cryptocurrencies into their accounts.

And earn up to 8% interest on stable coins and 5% interest on crypto assets, it depends on the coin.

The Abra app is an all-in-one financial platform for managing money and sending payments. Users can store, send, and receive fiat currency as well as manage their crypto assets.

In order to use the Abra app to earn interest on your crypto assets, you need to have a minimum balance of $5 or more in your account. Then, you will earn interest on your deposited cryptocurrencies and stable coins.

For example, if you deposit $10 of Polygon into your Abra account, you will earn only 6% interest on the deposited cryptocurrency. However, if you deposit $10 of stable coins like Tether (USDT) or TrueUSD (TUSD), then you will earn 8% interest.

Abra users can deposit and withdraw funds from their account at any time using their U.S.-issued bank account or credit card. The Abra app also allows users to trade cryptocurrency for fiat currency directly from their mobile phone using the built-in Abra app wallet.



interest bearing crypto account

Binance is one of the innovative and the number one cryptocurrency exchange today. The Binance app is available for Android and iOS.

The user interface of the app is very simple to use and has a good design. In addition, users can deposit using their bank account or credit card to buy cryptocurrencies on the platform.

Binance has some of the best trading features in the market today. It offers margin trading, which allows traders to leverage their investments by borrowing funds from a third-party lender.

Other than that they also have an interest-bearing crypto account where we can earn decent interest up to 35% APY. But it depends on the token they also have flexible and fixed savings options.

With flexible savings, we can withdraw whenever we want, but the interest rate is low. On the other hand, fixed savings have a higher interest rate, but there is a locked time period.

Binance0.1% – 5%0.1% – 2.4%1% – 10%0.3% – 1.2%


interest bearing crypto account

Nexo is a multi-cryptocurrency and blockchain-based financial platform that allows users to borrow money and invest in a wide range of assets, including cryptocurrencies, bonds, loans, and more.

Nexo’s mission is to offer investors access to the most innovative financial products that use the latest technology.
The Nexo app has a clean design with a user-friendly interface.

Users can easily complete KYC/AML verification procedures on their smartphones or tablet.

The app provides users with an easy way to track their assets and their performance. In addition, users can set up alerts for various actions such as when their fiat currency is deposited or withdrawn from the app’s partner banks.

We can start earning up to 18% interest on this platform, some of the features of Nexo’s are daily payout, flexible earnings, compound interest, and zero fees.

They also have their own token called NEXO, which can be used to pay for the platform’s services. The Nexo token holders can use the tokens to access their instant loans or to invest.

The platform offers a variety of investment opportunities for both retail and institutional investors.
It is one of the few companies that offer instant loans in a retail environment.

It’s positioning itself as an alternative to traditional banks, which are often reluctant to offer their services to crypto enthusiasts as they feel that they are not yet ready for such investments.

There’s no doubt that cryptocurrencies still have a long way to go before they reach mass adoption, but there are some signs of hope for them. For instance, the World Economic Forum has predicted that by 2023 there will be over 2 billion active crypto users worldwide.

Nexo6% – 8%6% – 8%10% – 12%10% – 12%


Crypto is a fascinating and exciting part of today’s financial world. But where do you start? A good place to start is with the right account. A crypto interest-bearing account that we can earn. There are plenty of options to choose from — here are some of the best.

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